A Blissful Buenger Artifact

We have a Bliss Manufacturing Company lithographed wooden dollhouse from c.1913 in our collection.  Bliss Manufacturing conducted business in Pawtucket, Rhode Island for about a century beginning in the last half of the 19th Century.  They began as producers of wooden screws and clamps for piano cabinet makers.  They also created highly prized wooden toys covered in beautifully lithographed paper.

Our dollhouse is even more special because it belonged to Elda Buenger, the granddaughter of Dr. Buenger, and daughter of J.F. Buenger.  Inside the hinged interior are a few pieces of hand crafted furniture and some store purchased metal furniture pieces.

I will leave her story for a later blog by our research team, but I wanted to show an “upclose” example of our incredible toy collection.  Many of our toys were manufactured in Germany, but this beautiful piece was made in America.  It is nice to see museum founder, Vernon Meyr’s handwritten notes about the artifact.

Come and see us.  I am finishing up the Niederfrohna, Germany and Frohna (and later Altenburg-Frohna), Missouri Fire Department exhibit.  It is the 140th anniversary of the Niederfrohna Fire Dept., and they have shared some fire station history with our regional station.  A special thanks to Tom Unger for loaning the German and regional artifacts for the exhibit.

A reminder to please get your registrations mailed for the October Immigration History Conference.  For more information, please click on the conference tab on this website.

President Warren is preparing an incredible Memorial Day blog.  A wonderful team of Trinity Church folks surrounded our beautiful campus with Old Glory.  Along with the terrific blue sky, it was a sight to see when you turned the corner on to Church St. this morning.  A strong yet somber reminder of the ultimate price the men and women–our warriors–have given for us.  Take Care, Carla L. Jordan

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