Meyr or Meyer?

We will begin today with a girl who was born on this day back in 1853. Her name was Ernestine Magdalena Doering. She went by the name Magdalena, so that is what I will use in this post. Magdalena was born on October 30, 1853, the daughter of George and Theresa (Schlimpert) Doering. She was … More Meyr or Meyer?

Martin and Dora

Martin and Dora Brunkhorst would be celebrating their 105th wedding anniversary today if they were still alive. I will be attempting to tell their story today. In the case of Dora, I have already attempted to tell part of her story in a previous post, Seelitz to Jacob. However, I may not have gotten her … More Martin and Dora

Copernicus Couple

Two teenagers made the voyage as part of the Gesellschaft aboard the Copernicus in 1838.  If the teenagers back then were at all like teenagers nowadays, they would have likely found opportunities to hang around each other while on the voyage.  If they didn’t know one another before they got on the ship, the may … More Copernicus Couple

Gottfried’s Angels

From 1976-1981, there was a popular TV series called Charlie’s Angels.  Right now, there is a movie in the theaters by that title which attempts to recreate that show.  The show highlighted three ladies who teamed as crime fighters.  I have three daughters who have on occasion compared themselves to Charlie’s Angels.  They even recreated … More Gottfried’s Angels