Jonesboro Butcher

Today’s story will have its beginnings in Longtown, Missouri, but will eventually end up in Jonesboro, Arkansas. I also have two men by the name of Freidrich Schade to discuss. Before I go any further, though, let me remind you that around here, the surname, Schade, is pronounced “shoddy”. There have been quite a few … More Jonesboro Butcher

John and Emilie – A Pair of Longtown Weinrich’s

As you can see on the passenger list for the ship, Minerva, the John Weinrich family arrived in America in 1853. There is some confusion about the arrival of the Weinrich”s because the Friedenberg Remembrances books says this family came to America in 1852 aboard the ship, Leonidas. However, this family is not found on … More John and Emilie – A Pair of Longtown Weinrich’s