Heise Hopping

Yesterday, I told a story in which much of the information was found in the Arnsberg binder. Today, our story begins with a girl whose surname was Arensburg, which was sometimes spelled Arnsburg. Today’s birthday girl ends up marrying a Heise, and we are going to discover that the Heise name hops back and forth … More Heise Hopping

Wittenberg Winter

If I have it figured correctly, Teacher J.F.F. Winter, was the first person in the Winter family I will discuss today to arrive in Perry County. Teacher Winter is famous for being the first teacher at Trinity Lutheran School in Altenburg, and he never married, so there were no Winter descendants coming from him. However, … More Wittenberg Winter

Barkeep’s Boy

August Arensburg is today’s birthday boy.  He was born on March 26, 1843 in  Kassel, Germany.  His father’s name was Frederick, but his mother’s name is not in any records that we have.  August had an older brother named Christoph, and his first two children died in 1857, and their death records can be found … More Barkeep’s Boy