Iben “Ahner”ed

I have been honored to write for this blog.  However, that is not why I have composed the above title.  Instead, there was once a Lutheran pastor who could have said after his wedding, “I have been “Ahner”ed.”  (The surname Ahner is pronounced the same as the word “honor”.)  And since his surname was Iben, … More Iben “Ahner”ed

Ahner Enigmas

I was having trouble finding a story for December 1st when I ran across a fact in our German Family Tree that led me to write last year’s December 1st story.  While looking at the story I wrote a year ago, I began to ask more questions about it, and since I didn’t have the … More Ahner Enigmas

A Census Hall of Fame

Today’s article is the result of starting out looking for information on one story and ending up telling a different story.  It all started with the birthday of Friedrich Ferdinand Grosse on May 27, 1811.  Ferdinand was one of the original immigrants whose family decided to stay in St. Louis and not move to Perry … More A Census Hall of Fame

Born at Sea

First of all, today I have a confession to make.  I have found it very difficult the past couple of days to come up with blog posts  There are several reasons for this.  One is that I simply have found it difficult to locate a story that excites me.  Also, teaching and museum responsibilities have … More Born at Sea

Old Time L.A.

Around here, there are a few people who refer to the east side of Altenburg……past the downtown area, past the church and museum……as Lower Altenburg.  It is just fun to say that you are from L.A.  I happen to live in L.A.  It is a part of town that is not as often visited because … More Old Time L.A.