Frohna Feed Store

One of today’s main characters is the son of one of the proprietors of the Frohna Flour Mill. This son went on to be involved in the operation of the Frohna Feed Store. I have to wonder how these two businesses were related to each other. However, I am temporarily located near Chicago, Illinois and … More Frohna Feed Store

Blacksmith to Mechanic

I guess it makes sense.  A blacksmith was a person who worked with metal.  He often worked on pieces of equipment that were involved in transportation, such as wagons.  He worked with his hands.  So, when there was a transformation from horse and buggy days to automobiles and the internal combustion engines, workers were needed … More Blacksmith to Mechanic

The Cook and His Bird

First, an explanation of the title.  The married couple for today is made up of a Koch and a Vogel.  In German, Koch means “cook” and Vogel means “bird”.  Enough said. Lydia Vogel is today’s birthday girl.  She was born on September 15, 1890 and baptized at Immanuel Lutheran Church in New Wells, Missouri.  She … More The Cook and His Bird